The next afternoon when Loo Ree came to me with a tool catalog she had found in the janitor's supply closet, asking for explanation of things as foreign to me as the azimuth of the subdeclension if there is such a thing, I exploded.
With winter upon us, I leaf through home-equipment magazines and tool catalogs and review my options with the obsessive fascination of Paris Hilton eyeing the runway during Fashion Week.
Lucrative Web businesses, successful tool catalogs, fast-growing PR firms - all have started on a shoestring, and all have been profitable ahead of schedule.
Among his sources are 60's psychedelic posters, wholesome 50's advertising (including pages from tool catalogs and grocery store circulars) and Monty Python's gloss on Edwardian illustration - usually presented with a sense of clashing social values.
After listening to his plans, Kingpin grants the Tinkerer access to his facilities and informs him that he will make some calls to obtain a specific castle in Italy and a girl from Tinkerer's favorite tool catalog.
Classed with engine hoists and engine stands in many tool catalogs.
They, however, are mandated to explore the entire universe, natural and manmade, selecting images that come from tool catalogs to Roman mosaics. features a tool catalog to provide the public with simple, application-driven access to Federal data with hyperlinks.