This interactive tool calculates your pregnancy due date, an estimate of when you are likely to deliver your baby.
Based on your answers, the tool calculates how many signs of alcohol problems you have and suggests whether you are likely to have a drinking problem.
The tool calculates your score based on the statements you choose.
Perhaps most importantly, this tool can't calculate the costs that aren't measured in dollars.
To find your peak fertility period, the tool first calculates the day you are most likely to ovulate.
The tool calculates commute times for various modes of transport including walking, cycling, driving, and public transit.
Periodogram Service: This tool calculates the periodogram of time series data from the archive or a file uploaded by the user.
Use our interactive tool to calculate statutory or contractual interest you may be able to charge on an unpaid debt.
The tool calculates your risk from the values you enter.
The tool will calculate a mortgage payment guideline amount.