The picture carried the tongue-in-cheek comment: "What a Socialist Party minister has to do to win votes."
He suffered political embarrassment by flirting with U.S. Vice Presidential candidate Sarah Palin and making tongue-in-cheek comments about her.
These phrases became immensely popular and are still being used for tongue-in-cheek comments in specific situations.
Torre's tongue-in-cheek comment referred to Millan's four consecutive singles that set up Torre's entry into the record books.
"This was a tongue-in-cheek comment between the chairman and me," Mr. Swiller said.
According to a tongue-in-cheek comment by star Joseph Fiennes, it should be watched for another reason: "Because it's not a musical."
This may be something of a tongue-in-cheek comment, but I could well imagine that that effect might play a part.
Sometimes a tongue-in-cheek comment is just a tongue-in-cheek comment.
He makes rueful, tongue-in-cheek comments about becoming old and unemployed with a new wife to support.