Its compact size and tone suited both air travel and the DJ booth.
Clabb recognized the old lady's voice when she spoke, and her tone, hollow though it was, suited him better than Varney's.
His tone suited his looks as Malabar snarled his reply.
Ms. Udalova's big tone often took on a strident edge that did not always make for easy listening but suited her characterization.
Faye's breathless tone perfectly suits the story she recounts.
At this stage of her work the speculative tone does not suit her.
If the tone of the instrument doesn't suit a musician, they are encouraged to sell the guitar, unmodified, or contact the maker directly.
The mild tone suited the political climate.
His intonation was perfect, and his tone, a compressed, pearly sound, suited the material.
Her tone would have suited a response to someone who'd admitted that he liked to rob blind beggars.