This personal tone pervades his work, linking historical trends with individual observations and inflections from the situation.
This tone - emotional, direct, regretful, entranced - pervades the book's strongest poems, which are quiet and thoughtful and conversational.
A more serious tone pervaded the San Francisco Bay Area after the 1989 earthquake during the World Series.
Venusberg is thus an anti-Tannhäuser: an anticlimactic, anti-Wagnerian, anti-romantic tone pervades a story in which everyone is somehow let down.
A comic tone pervades the work, as Barry proves both a raconteur and an unreliable narrator.
That tone, slightly irreverent but with an unmistakable suggestion of ethnic pride and affection, pervades this handsomely produced and photographed book.
An ominous tone also frequently pervaded his work.
A tone of moral masochism pervades the book, to the point where one feels it must be a primary reason for the profession's dour and dispirited mood.
An angrily nationalistic tone pervaded the message, which was sent in English and in an Urdu-language attachment.
Throughout this scene, the dark tone pervades.