He has since apologized for the tone of his remarks, but not their substance.
Although their position did not change today, the tone of their remarks suggested a willingness to compromise.
The tone of the Senator's remarks suggests, however, that he was not interested in constructive criticism.
On abortion, she can calibrate the tone and nuance of her remarks.
In fact the tone of his remarks seemed likely to make them hesitate further about coming to China.
The tone of Aragon's remarks needs to be noted.
Mr. Kisburg later apologized for the tone of his remarks.
The tone of the Assistant Commissioner's remarks had been sour enough to set one's teeth on edge.
The tone of his remarks suggested that the central bank might feel it had more maneuvering room to relax monetary policy.
At the same time, the Administration sought to change the skeptical tone of its remarks about the peace accord.