It is only another step upward in scale to plan out new, more tolerable conditions of employment for every sort of worker and to organise the transition from our present disorder.
Human relationships can hardly be discussed in terms of more or less tolerable conditions, more or less admissible indignities.
When I left him, he was in tolerable condition.
Age Concern Scotland claimed that the VAT decision was irresponsible and said that income support was already inadequate to maintain tolerable conditions.
Then I could return this body to James in tolerable condition, and shoot cleanly back into my own.
My camels have arrived in tolerable condition, as their loads did not exceed 400 lbs.
He thought of it as a comparatively tolerable condition.
Merlings and men lived on the edge of a most delicate truce; each hated and hunted the other, but under mutually tolerable conditions.
The house is in tolerable condition, and Serena finds a book about mermaids that has an ancient Greek inscription on the cover.
The repetition of the treatment achieved a tolerable condition for this year.