But he toiled hard at shaping his own image, and in fact it took only six years.
Heller, who had worked as an advertising copywriter after the War, toiled hard at his first novel.
These judges toil long and hard for all, landlords as well as tenants.
It is well known that he toiled hard for liberty and suffered sore.
Spinners gain no assistance as in New Zealand and have to toil hard.
So she toiled hard in the garden of mind and spirit, building on the foundations with which Kyoki had provided her, that Sun Hsiung had drilled into her.
To live is to toil hard, and to suffer sore, till Old Age creeps heavily upon us and we throw down our hands on the cold ashes of dead fires.
The legendary willingness of Japanese workers to toil long and hard without complaining is giving way to a new debate over whether Japanese are working too hard.
Watson toiled long and hard throughout the length of the match but premiership success was to elude him at the Sharks.
The town had much in common with the Abruzzi he had left: it was a place where people toiled long and hard.
But his chagrin was trivial compared to the anguish of his erstwhile Administration members who had toiled so hard to serve under his tutelage.
For this great seaborne assault which the free world had toiled so hard to mount, only about three thousand men were leading the attack.
I had to toil hard to get the required permission for the shoot.
Remedios, true to her merchant background, toiled very hard to save the Vicente Orestes Romualdez branch from outright indignation from Manila's elite.
The wonderful patience of the trail which comes to men who toil hard and suffer sore, and remain sweet of speech and kindly, did not come to these two men and the woman.
Neither the theater nor the cinema is strongly represented, though these were two fields in which Cocteau toiled hard and long and, on occasion, to sensational effect.
"Seven," he muttered aloud, asserting the sum of the specks for which he had toiled so hard and which he had so wantonly thrown away.
The road was the result of the hard work of all the people of the area who toiled hard day and night, forgetting all the differences of religion, caste and class.
THEY seem to toil no less hard than unrelated workmates.
At the start of her career in film industry, Agrawal said that "Film-making is something that comes naturally to her and she will toil hard to make this place her own."