In July 1945, together with soldiers of the 14th Regiment, he managed to reach Italy, where his unit was incorporated into the II Corp.
Together with other Norwegian soldiers, Munthe-Kaas was paradropped over Eastern Norway on 26 November 1944.
Together with several soldiers, Popović reported the events of the Montenegrin-Ottoman War to international press.
Ripperda was captured together with other soldiers and imprisoned in a church in Haarlem.
Staff soldiers and those who manned Bren carriers took positions together with regular infantry soldiers.
Catholic missionaries together with Spanish soldiers who inter-married into the native population were able to successfully penetrate Basilan.
Working together with Italian soldiers and civilians, the engineers were able to amass and distribute the large volume of supplies required.
They are now a part of Bozizé's lifeguard, the Garde républicaine, together with soldiers from Chad.
In Hungary together with other Polish soldiers he was interned and placed in a temporary holding camp from which he soon escaped.
This meant that men were grouped together with fellow soldiers and NCOs whom they did not know and unit structures were lost.