Language code, for a general discussion of language codes, together with information on specific implementations.
Underneath a hammer and chisel symbol the type of site is described together with important information.
Greater availability, together with information about victims' positive views is likely to increase the proportion of victims willing to participate.
This data was put together with information from the devices.
Together with information about millions of deaths during collectivization, many adherents rethought their commitments.
Upon returning, Block compiled a map of his voyage together with known information of the time.
Control results from inspection and the interpretation of reports together with information derived from administrative sources.
But it, you can't then put that information together with other information because they're actually telling us different things, if you see what I mean?
The introduction provides a summary of Kandinsky's career together with useful information on the watercolours themselves.
The series employs a novel approach in which history is described by detailed accounts of major battles together with background and contextual information.