The site had a large number of temples, together with various buildings used for trade.
This property comprised the old homestead, 'Booloominbah', together with several other buildings and 74 hectares of land.
It was re-branded together with nearby buildings of the Wharf as Harbour City.
A new town hall was built in 1714/1715, but was destroyed together with numerous other buildings, among them the school house, in a fire in 1854.
The creation of a new town included a large retail shopping area, sports and leisure development together with public buildings.
In 1410 the church was completely destroyed together with the priest's house and nearby buildings.
Krustpils castle together with other buildings of this complex was transferred to the Latvian army after 1920.
Together with other buildings they remind me of a rather large printed electrical circuit" Gamay couldn't help smiling.
Here one can see headquarters building, granaries, workshop, together with other buildings, restored in outline.
Three rocket launch pads were constructed together with ancillary buildings, the whole area being declared top security, fenced off and floodlighted.