The tenants, which together employ more than 1,000 workers, pay rents that average $3.50 a square foot.
Now they've petitioned the state to study the economic impact of their small businesses, which together employ some 48,000 people.
Extended breaks are expected throughout both the private and public sectors, which together employ 29 million people.
These programs together employ only a few thousand of the 140,000 misdemeanants who go through criminal court each year.
Ideally, a way should be found to employ both arms together.
The trade group represents 500 construction-related businesses, which together employ 25,000 people.
It is home to around 260 companies, together directly employing 20,000 people.
Commerce and services together employ 63.3% of the population.
The companies together employ 2,500 people and have annual sales of $1 billion dollars.
General commerce and tourism together only employ about 32 percent of the population.