She counted three toddlers and four or five older children playing around the fires.
Over time, of course, computers became much easier to use, so friendly that even a toddler could play games on them.
IT may take the form of toddlers playing a game with an elderly person in a wheelchair.
A major breakthrough in her writing career came one sunny afternoon when she watched three toddlers playing on a beach.
Maybe she'd haunt the Tuileries today and watch the toddlers play in the garden.
For example, your toddler plays with the radio dials then looks at you for a response.
In addition, two toddlers played on the floor.
As his gaze drifted downward, he noticed a toddler playing beneath the bar.
On Sunday, in front of a storefront church near the exchange, a toddler played inches from a syringe.
There's also an adventure playground, a toddlers play area and an unusual maze where you can test your own ecological skills.