The Benton House was owned by a tobacco seller, Meredith A. Benton, and his wife, Ella Belle.
Under state law, tobacco sellers cannot sell to anyone under 18 and must request photo identification from customers who appear younger than 25.
Notably, at least 80 percent of online tobacco sellers are on American Indian reservations, according to Mr. Rubin, of Forrester.
The size of the Russian market has not been the only attraction for the tobacco sellers.
"If we get a convention of tobacco sellers, they'll have to go outside to light up."
Founded in London in 1873 they pursued an aggressive expansion to become the largest tobacco sellers in the UK, with over 140 retail outlets.
Some established tobacco sellers, like Nat Sherman, a cigar and cigarette manufacturer based in New Jersey that also sells its products online, strenuously object to the government actions.
In theory, at least, law-abiding online tobacco sellers could avoid the credit card embargo.
Some online cigarette sellers, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said they were exploring ways to create their own credit cards, perhaps in association with other online tobacco sellers.
In essence the concession not only violated the long-established relationship between Persian tobacco producers and tobacco sellers, but it also threatened the job security of a significant portion of the population.