Put plans with friends and other to-do items on a calendar, and refer to it daily.
You can dictate anything you can store on your organizer: datebook appointments, to-do items, memos, expense-report items, addresses and phone numbers and so on.
One of the major to-do items is to vote on yet another Continuing Resolution.
Handspring says this is enough space to store 12,000 addresses, 10 years' worth of appointments, 6,000 to-do items, 6,000 memos and 400 E-mail messages.
For example, to-do items can optionally be given priorities and deadlines, subdivided into simpler steps (nested sub-to-dos and/or checklists), and given tags and properties.
The task application displays a list of your to-do items in a left-hand column and shows you details of the selected task in the main view.
A punch list is generally a list of tasks or "to-do" items that must be done in a limited time.
Here again, you can organize your "pages": e-mail them, export them as graphics files, turn one into a to-do item in Outlook, and so on.
Each day's space shows to-do items, including those left over from previous days, and scheduled appointments.
Still, there's room for 1,100 addresses, 800 appointments, 5,000 to-do items and 350 memos.