It is also possible to date soils and sediments, given the short life of Cs137 across the Earth's entire surface.
The main focus is on marine sediments, but also extends to sediments from freshwater environments.
The terrane is a sequence of Permian to recent sediments.
The pale color of the island is attributed to lakebed sediments rising above the lake surface along with the volcanic material.
A water column is a conceptual column of water from surface to bottom sediments.
It grows on muddy to sandy sediments (even among rocks), mostly below low tide, often forming large meadows.
"Volcano to atmosphere to sediments to mantle, back to surface."
The ratio of fine to coarse sediments making up the barrier is also increased.
The increases are primarily due to sediments that have been resuspended from the shallow bottom regions.
They seem to be attracted to loose sediments, probably related to the uncovering of food, and often congregate in pits.