The legislation 'makes no reference at all to justification in relation to direct discrimination.
This in turn can lead to justification of inequalities through the idea of the deserving poor.
The person is encouraged to further explore his or her value structure especially as it relates to the rationale and justification of positions.
The playoff journey that could take Kidd to justification has already contained an element of fate.
Research has found that compensatory stereotypes might lead to increased justification of the status quo.
The Rete algorithm does not define any approach to justification.
One's reception of salvation is related to justification.
For as far as I am concerned, this is equivalent to scientific justification of inactivity.
That bit of folk wisdom just doesn't add up to justification for this kind of pointless exercise.
A number of problems exist, that arise when defining knowledge or truth, including issues with objectivity, adequacy and limits to justification.