The title symbolizes everlasting love and is set in the backdrop of a music college.
"For Dad, the title symbolized what he had achieved from nothing, and he made me promise I wouldn't give it up," Ken recalls.
The title symbolized the band's 3rd and strongest line-up it had ever had had and the whole album was as secure as the band itself.
He stated that the title symbolizes how the Pakistani cinema is silent and that it needs to show its true potential.
Additionally, the title symbolizes the multi-national nature of the elite unit.
The title literally means "supreme swan," and symbolizes spiritual discrimination.
Jaagup Kreem has said, that the title symbolizes immortality.
According to Roman religious beliefs, the title symbolized a stamp of authority over humanity-and in fact nature-that went beyond any constitutional definition of his status.
The title of the story symbolizes the American Indian, specifically the Chickasaw:
"The title just sort of symbolizes that."