The boys team has captured 5 consecutive titles ranging from 2007-2012.
Individual titles range from 96-224 pages in length, with most between 120-180, and nearly all contain suggestions for further reading.
Today there are more than 5,000 titles, ranging from business data to games, clip art to museum collections, pornography to education.
All titles currently range from 500 to 1200 Wii Points.
The titles range from old to new.
As a result, his game credits alone include more than eighty titles, ranging from electronic and rock to full symphonic scores.
Influences can be found in titles ranging from Private Eye to Viz.
The titles range from splashy summer movie themes to heartfelt love ballads to old blues tunes.
The titles range from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory to Risk.
Today there are 3,300, with titles ranging from Charles & Diana to Carolina Bass.