Originally, the title covered 29 acres (117,000 m2), and took in what is now Gloucester Park.
But the title alone could cover any number of epochs - present, future and certainly past.
The long title is a description of the nature of the Bill and covers the intent of the Bill.
He also designed many title covers for books for other writers.
I think that the title of the report just covers what we are really focusing on.
This rather grandiose title covers the efforts of the European Council to achieve tangible progress that is also measurable by individual citizens.
The reason is that the title does not cover the subject dealt with.
His many titles and coats-of-arms cover pulpit and font.
The titles cover a broad range of subjects, including: spirituality, theology, non-formal education, current social issues, philosophy, health care, science and agriculture.
The title, said Mr. Hucknall, covers a myriad of themes.