The name of the chief character, and title of the play, Matsukaze, bears a poetic double meaning.
The title bears a few words of explanation.
Until he does, he will keep making movies whose titles bear more promise than the pictures deliver.
Because the title bears no relation to the material, I assumed last summer that Munnery had changed everything at the last moment but it seems not.
Older titles in the Northeast US still bear "The Menu" title.
Amy is the focus of the play, as the title bears her name and she is constantly trying to just make everything work.
The titles, however, often bear little resemblance to actual topics.
For a play whose title bears an age-old theatrical superstition, perhaps Zulu is a good-luck modifier.
In later years the scope had broadened considerably with many newer titles bearing little resemblance to those on the Cassette 50 tape.