School President Edwin Alderman, though a tireless proponent of college football, was significantly alarmed to appoint an investigating committee in 1904, and a strict athletic code was written in 1906.
The persistence of Charles H. McCann, a tireless proponent of high quality vocational technical education, helped make all this possible.
A tireless proponent of settlement in Birobidzhan, Stefansson appeared at countless Ambijan meetings, dinners, and rallies, and proved an invaluable resource.
A tireless proponent of organ donation, he once performed a kidney transplant on live television, The Today Show, in 1976, inspiring some 20,000 viewers to offer their kidneys to patients who needed them.
The official, Boris G. Fyodorov, 35, is considered the leading economic reformer in the Government and the most tireless proponent of financial and monetary discipline.
Following his Senate defeat, he retired to semi-private life but remained a tireless proponent for the causes he had championed in the U.S. Congress.
Eymard was a tireless proponent of frequent Holy Communion, an idea given more authoritative backing by Pope Pius X in 1905.
Mr. Zoffinger, Xanadu's most tireless public proponent, insisted last week that the forces driving the project were purely economic.
Dennis Russell Davies, that tireless proponent of interesting new music, has set aside June of this year to celebrate Miss Gubaidulina's music in Bonn.
He remained there for 10 years and won a reputation as a tireless proponent of abortion rights and a foe of the death penalty.