This work was a natural fit, said friends and fellow politicos, who described Zimmerman as a tireless organizer and gentle man uniquely gifted at working with average folk.
Jim Wallis, the editor of the pacifist magazine Sojourners and a tireless organizer of an alternative to the religious right, prefers the label "progressive evangelical."
He was a tireless organizer of conferences and contemporary music festivals and a frequent radio broadcaster.
"Big Bill" rose rapidly within the WFM, becoming secretary-treasurer in 1901 and proving himself an able administrator and a tireless organizer.
A tireless organizer, he travelled over 100,000 miles within England and when in Birmingham reached his office before 6 a.m. and worked till midnight.
Nellie Gray, the March's tireless organizer, introduced her at the dinner.
He was a tireless organizer of sulfur miners in the Caltanissetta area battling for higher wages and improved working conditions.
Terri, a young upstairs neighbor, has installed himself as the household's tireless organizer of activities and emotions.
Ms. Pang, a tireless organizer in the Hong Kong chapter, organized a march through the city.
He became a tireless organizer and recruiter for the EMB, enlisting a stable of energetic young filmmakers into the film unit between 1930 and 1933.