It felt like he was being pelted with stones when the tips of the quills struck him.
The tip struck something that felt like thin gristle, bound up for a moment, then passed through into the meat of his brain.
The tip struck between his shoulderblades with a sharp, smacking sound.
He threw himself backward, releasing the spear, just as the tips of the claws struck.
Too long for the space, they jammed tight when their tips struck the lower edge of the metal window sash.
The tip of the brush struck the paper with a slight jar.
Its iron-shod tip struck the Witch's horse between the nostrils.
I hear the final click as she puts the shillelagh down, its tip striking the polished wood floor.
The tip of the paddle struck something hard under the surface, jolting the canoe.
He had to roll desperately aside to avoid her aerial charge, and the tip of a wing struck him as she passed.