The inclusion of the refugees in Jordanian society will further tip the balance of the population in favor of the Palestinians.
However, Ms. Ray said that she planned to let her waiter and steward know that she was prepared to tip further for unusual service.
Humans should not further tip the balance against living dolphins.
Whatever it is, it's caused the balance of things to tip even further.
And when you throw in carbon leakage in other industries as well as steel, the economics must tip further in the same direction.
A plant at Telephone Flat would further tip the balance toward the outsiders, Mr. Preston said.
The Concorde tipped further and slid forwards.
When you added a history of parental suicide, the odds tipped further upward; the possibility that he'd choose, one bleak day, to imitate the father he'd never known couldn't be ignored.
Apply downward pressure - this will brace the boat and keep you from tipping further.
The situation will only tip further toward the debt side, with last week's Venezuelan deal and its $1 billion of additional debt.