The tiniest whisper from near those pillars was audible to the mind reader.
Those enormous eyes dropped from his and when she spoke next it was in a tiny whisper.
Morley spoke only once the entire time we were waiting, in a tiny whisper.
His fingers clawed at her, but all she felt were tiny whispers of cold against her skin.
Then the blade sliced through the air where she had been a second before, a tiny whisper the only sound of its passing.
I tried to say, but my voice was so hoarse, the words came out in a tiny whisper, and no one heard.
I hope you win,' Jo's voice was a tiny whisper.
He spoke in a tiny whisper, almost as if there were no one inside him anymore.
I had not heard the tiniest whisper of her approach.
If you hear anything, the tiniest whisper, get word to me immediately.