GeneralHefferwas, as Ned had suspected, sitting in his office with the door shut, even though it was a humid day with only a slight breeze to ruffle the jalousies and stir up tiny whirlwinds of dust.
As he spoke, throwing his hands upwards, there arose at his very feet one of those tiny and incomprehensible whirlwinds with which all who know South Africa will be familiar.
He took the brazier by its legs and deliberately upended it, spilling the ashes upon the roof tiles to be driven about in tiny whirlwinds, like tattered gray veils.
Of course, any flowers that are bright red - impatiens, cardinal flower or fuchsia - will surely attract those tiny whirlwinds, the hummingbirds.
The water moved faster and faster, a thousand million tiny whirlwinds around the calm threads, and Alvin reached down with his hands on both sides of the sphere of solidified water and lifted it out of the clear water of Lake Pontchartrain.
The short stocky Carthaginian was foaming at the mouth as he swung his sword like a buzz-saw gone berserk, and the force of his swings created microclimates that boiled up into tiny whirlwinds before being absorbed into the torpor of the quiet Tsurisian landscape.
A gust of wind blew in the open door, sweeping leaves and dust in tiny whirlwinds around Mackeli's ankles.
Dust swirled and tiny whirlwinds formed.
Dust whirled up on the floor from the draught of their movement, in a series of tiny, inverted whirlwinds.
That is not quite enough to save the movie from its lame, predictable script, even though the concept sounds foolproof: send a tough, hulking policeman undercover as a kindergarten teacher, where he will be at the mercy of screaming whirlwinds tiny enough to snap at his kneecaps.