Fochet crowded next to him in the tiny vestibule.
Even the tiny ground-floor vestibule was quiet and snug, comfortable and somehow familiar.
The mailboxes were inside, in the tiny vestibule.
He opened the glass and wood outer doors and stepped into the tiny vestibule.
There was a tiny vestibule, then he was in the Shed itself, and it was gigantic.
It led into a tiny vestibule with doors on all three sides.
Customers squeeze into the tiny vestibule that was added in the 70's and then bring their food out to one of the 25 picnic tables.
The rubber-sealed frosted-glass door leading into the laboratory proper was at the other end of the tiny vestibule.
I unlocked the door and walked into the tiny vestibule.
The brass mailboxes and bell register in the tiny vestibule were highly polished.