So it was with mounting worry that he searched his tiny stateroom, rummaging through drawers and luggage.
The hatchet-marks were still raw on the door of our tiny stateroom advertising an event of a few months before.
He staggered, with wide-spread arms to keep from falling, along the cabin floor for'ard to the bunk in the tiny stateroom.
He pointed wordlessly at the only chair in the tiny stateroom.
Saratov smiled to himself, went to his tiny stateroom, and stretched out on the bunk.
Bertie slept that night in the captain's cabin, a tiny stateroom off the main cabin.
He stood and paced the tiny stateroom that the cruiser California called the admiral's cabin.
Alone in the eerie atmosphere of the tiny stateroom she felt completely letdown and fearful.
Within a few cycles, Brim stood proudly in a tiny stateroom, the first in his memory he would not share with someone else.
His wife caught his hand and led him through the small connecting door to her tiny stateroom.