Her feet were the smallest I have ever seen on a grownup, and she owned a gigantic collection of tiny, elegant shoes.
However, none of the girls' feet fit the tiny shoe.
During that first ballet class I couldn't feel my toes at all in those tight, tiny shoes and in the freezing-cold weather.
One of our children walked on a taxi seat in his tiny three-year-old shoes; the driver hit him with his fist.
Added to that now was the smaller but even more devastating vision of the tiny, singed shoe he had held in his hand.
Spying out the unevenly crossed legs, he steered his tiny shoe towards Murphy's table.
The two tiny glittering black patent-leather shoes were an inch from the ground.
They looked elegant, softly sensuous, as they walked to work on tiny high-heeled shoes.
Two tiny shoes fell to the floor And thudded.
Mr. Esmeralda walked across the living room, his tiny shoes clicking on the floor.