The agitation sometimes put a dangerous strain on their tiny lungs, putting the infants in danger of hypoxia, an inability to oxygenate the blood.
She needed to suck the air into her tiny lungs while starting to buck against Rachel's probing, stroking fingers.
Hemoglobin expands and contracts when it takes on and gives up oxygen-like a tiny molecular lung.
Barely more than six months old, little Van Humphries still needed a special high-pressure chamber to get enough air into his tiny lungs.
Time ceased to have meaning as she absorbed into herself the disease destroying Zoa's tiny lungs.
Wet, it had looked like a dying rat, its tiny lungs heaving against a frail rib cage.
She knew instantly it had begun in the nasal membranes, and she followed its path down to his tiny lungs.
Her tiny lungs struggled to get enough air.
I felt like I was sucking air out of tiny crushed lungs.
He drew a breath into his tiny lungs and began.