Despite their tiny force, they quickly rallied support for their cause.
And he was not going to risk splitting his tiny force at this stage.
"Our armies are enormous while you only have a tiny force, what good is it to perish for nothing?"
Of course, a molecule has so little mass, it exerts an extremely tiny force on the car.
At the bottom of the cliffs we divided our already tiny force.
Quite an accomplishment, really, for such a tiny force against the array of the Imperial Order.
With his tiny force, the Cuban warrior could not take a chance on being suckered.
He envied the magnifying lens of the photographer's camera, for it would bring him closer to the tiny forces so far below.
I don't know many captains who could have held off so many with a tiny mixed force.
Although vastly outnumbered, his tiny force would make mince-meat of them.