Garlic is always welcome; so, too, is a tiny dice of sweet pepper or carrot for color and texture.
Allow plenty of time for painstaking tasks like cutting vegetables into tiny dice, or cracking and peeling fresh coconut.
A tiny dice, called Brunoise, is only 1/8 inch thick and is best for garnishing.
Martin Gagne, chef at Cafe 21 in Chicago, has been serving a risotto made of potatoes that are cut into tiny dice, to resemble rice.
Landis picked up some of the pebbles and shook them in his fist like tiny dice.
The board was cracked and the tiny wooden dice were so ill-cut that they would hardly lie on their sides.
That pallid brew was an anemic rendition with few beans, no pasta and vegetables cut into tiny dice.
It lay on top of cardamom and lemon creams and tiny dice of passion fruit and pineapple.
At 66, with a coconut tapioca parfait, served in a tall glass, with tiny dice of brightly colored winter fruits.
Cut the carrots, turnip and onion into tiny dice.