There are fleeting motifs, like one dancer's tiny, understated falls against her partner.
But the tiny dancer was precious to him, and he scooped it up.
The rain ranted from their armour and metal standards like hundreds of tiny dancers on a metal stage, jarring every hangover-heightened nerve in Vessal's body.
Chekov looked up at bright rays filtering through, shimmering in the dimness, with insects flitting like tiny dancers in spotlight beams.
Neil stared at the tiny dancers for a moment, at the circling horse, and appeared to be unsettled by them.
She is a tiny dancer who moves with a silken expansiveness that takes your breath away.
Reflected light from the bonfire seemed to move like the tiny dancers across her silvery surface.
The tiny dancers touched, moved away, and came back together in an embrace.
Hopfrog can endure much humiliation, but then a tiny dancer named Trippetta (Mireille Mosse) enters the picture.
The space is saturated with barking incantations from a box radio and animated by a film of tiny dancers crawling in the interstices of a rock wall.