He came to another gate, then a tiny courtyard where stunted trees grew from hardened ground.
They moved into a tiny, paved courtyard with a single iron table and two chairs.
Seconds later, she was alone in the tiny courtyard once more.
Behind a locked gate, the building's 32 apartments are cramped around a tiny concrete courtyard where all the young kids play.
Hoddan found that he and Thai had ridden into a very tiny courtyard.
Several had set up patios on the sidewalk or in tiny courtyards.
He would say these things to Frank as they sat around in his rover, in its tiny courtyard.
A couple of pre-teens were skateboarding in what seemed like tiny courtyards.
The washing kitchen led out to a tiny courtyard full of drying white laundry.
Three of the rooms, set around a tiny private courtyard, make a perfect family niche.