I'm just a tiny, insignificant cog in a huge government wheel, Culver.
So small that they are merely tiny cogs that can be detached and left spinning on their own.
At last come a first few experiences in a theater as a tiny, nervous cog in the huge machinery of a ballet production.
"You," I said, "are a tiny, tiny cog in the great big machine."
Education is not, nor should be, about training us all to become tiny cogs in the great economic machine.
She was the tiniest cog in a vast war machine.
Now, the locals' role as a tiny cog in the global economy has hit home.
The president, in the middle as usual, has been poring over budget items in the millions, the tiny cogs of the federal machine.
Orlgans was only a tiny cog in a colossal ancient machine.
I felt like a tiny cog in a machine.