They harbor a deep resentment for Great White, whose tour manager set off the fireworks in the tiny club.
The city's tiniest clubs are even following suit.
Many of the entertainment establishments are tiny clubs that occupy entire floors in narrow buildings, much like the one where today's fire broke out.
Kaufman (Jim Carrey) does it onstage at a tiny club.
Is this a secret handshake of a very tiny club?
The adventurous may like to track down the tiny happening clubs in Wynwood, but they will need an art-world insider to give them the address.
One of the figures was a man standing on tiptoe, with what looked like a tiny club clasped in his hands.
Last spring, after nearly a decade of playing tiny clubs, he won the lottery of pop.
"This was a tiny little club," the manager, Obi Steinman, said in an interview today.
Her power beat along my skin like tiny clubs, but it never came close to touching my mind.