If you could make a tiny bolt of lightning in someone's face, you would create thunder right in their face.
She seemed to be walking up into the air, and wherever the goddess's feet touched, tiny bolts of bluish white lightning were loosed.
The effect was of a human-shaped robot, over which a human skin had been draped and attached by thousands of tiny bolts.
He put an "atmosphere" of water vapor, hydrogen, ammonia and sewer gas (also known as methane) into a glass apparatus and zapped it with tiny bolts of lightning.
Bending down, Tris held the tiny bolt over the point where a wire passed under another.
The tiny bolt of white fire caught the chicken at the base of its neck, sending out a cloud of singed feathers and quite a lot of blood.
Above it were hundreds of shimmering projectiles that ranged in size from tiny bolts to charred plates of hull armor.
And for an instant, Sumantra thought he glimpsed a faint sizzle of electric blue, like two very tiny bolts of blue lightning, within the orb of the seer's pupils.
Storm Grower, flicking tiny bolts of lightning around the cavern, playing, fitful gusts of wind teasing at the garments of those on the gallery.
There I go again...' A tiny bolt of lightning flashed off his thumb and exploded. '