She ran her fingers lightly over it; it was pebbled stiff with tiny blisters.
Within a few days, however, the telltale tiny virus-filled blisters appear on reddened skin.
Moments later Rachel saw for herself that the man's hands were indeed covered in tiny red blisters.
His right arm was a mass of tiny blisters, and her left one was in no better shape.
It most commonly causes clusters of tiny blisters on the skin that ooze and form a golden crust.
The skin bubbles up into a sea of tiny white blisters mixed with red spots known as a maculopapular rash.
The tiny blisters of robot gun-emplacements studded that great upward sweep at regular intervals.
Bedbugs can cause tiny, itchy blisters anywhere on the body.
Claire point two or three tiny blisters, like seed pearls.
And I swear there are tiny blisters on the skin below her pubic hair.