The turning point comes when, determined to return to her tiny attic, Camille cannot find the key.
She unlocked a door, and they went into a tiny attic with a sloping roof and a small window.
He grumbled some more, strolling around the tiny attic and rolling out the knots in his neck.
Ditto for the clammy crawl space and the tiny attic.
This solitary confinement included 16 months in a tiny attic with no windows or furniture, heat or air conditioning.
In the middle of the tiny attic thus formed Buddy managed to worm his body through a hole in the gable next to the creek.
It is worth avoiding the tiny attic or the noisy front rooms.
Phyl thought it was hilarious that we were living in the tiny attic at the top of such a huge house.
It had two stories, plus an attic, whereas ours had only the one, with a tiny attic.
Un- fortunately, as she was very poor, she could afford to rent only a tiny attic in such a genteel district.