Valentine watched a frigate bird float above, drifting on the air currents with only the tiniest alterations to its wing.
It was more delicate than metal work, moving his doodlebug through the pathways of a living creature, making tiny alterations here and there.
But you won't mind if I make a couple of teeny tiny alterations?
Even so, he watched, trying to make sense of the tiny alterations K. was making.
The script undergoes scores of tiny alterations.
The African women, however, are able to minimize this loss through a tiny alteration of their gait.
Then he quietly began making tiny alterations to his standard stump speech, measuring facts and assertions twice before speaking.
At first she had only made tiny alterations in their color, or the length of their feathers.
Looking at her now, it was plain to see; the faint pallor of her skin and tiny alterations in her color, the fleeting look of inwardness.
Never losing his cool, he reveals Bradley's shifts in feeling with tiny alterations in body language and inflection.