She looked down, her vision tinted green and inspected her body carefully.
The Time Vortex in the title sequence has also been tinted blue and green.
Subject has stopped writhing, and her skin is no longer tinted green.
The house itself is also of marble, a shade of white, lightly tinted green.
As he did, it beeped twice again, then tinted green.
Nearly clear but lightly tinted green, they produce a wondrous light when left uncovered on sunny days.
The meteors were tinted blue and green, moved slowly, and left trails at least 45 long.
Up at the surface of the earth, was the endangered sun shining now on woods and fields tinted faintly green with early spring?
In scenes that are often tinted blue or green, an actor races from chateau country to the stage of a theater.
One, of a gown, is silhouetted and tinted green.