The anomaly sheared off the rear third of the ship as cleanly as though done with tin snips.
He could have done better with his dad's tin snips and a jar of Vaseline.
Mark the replacement with a sharp pencil, and cut it to the correct size with metal shears or tin snips.
Trim away any excess liner with tin snips or heavy-duty shears.
Special props to Marty who trimmed the 2nd stage engine bell by hand with a pair of frickin' tin snips.
They caught her poking around in a larder and chopped off her nose with a set of tin snips.
The brake line was severed with something like a pair of tin snips, I bet.
Then cut out the sheathing with metal shears or tin snips.
Casimir scrounged a pair of heavy tin snips and used them to cut the breastbone in half so we could get under the ribcage.
Depending on the size of the blade, tin snips can cut between 23 and 16 gauge cold rolled low-carbon tin.