More disturbing still, the Warden of Althain straightened up and offered him a tin canister and stone pipe.
Q I was recently given a large five gallon tin canister containing linseed oil.
She took teabags from a red-and-white tin canister on the counter.
Above the warehouse was the storeroom where there were shelves holding brightly coloured tin canisters decorated with Indian and Chinese letters.
His employer settled the last point by producing the tin canister and telling the Grinder's money out in full upon the table.
Ahmed came in silently with a tray bearing two small tin canisters with steam rising from them.
These meals were placed in heat-retaining containers (insulated tin canisters) for dispatch to the crews of small craft.
He showed me a tin canister he inherited as chairman of the Revised Standard Version Bible Committee.
If you can send me any, send them by post in a tin canister on middle of day of Saturday, October 5th, for Sowerby will be here.
The bright lemon-and-lime-colored interior has the look of a 1940's farmhouse kitchen, with its cupboards and tin canisters.