The timing of each ārti corresponds with rituals surrounding the sacred murtis, or images of the Lord, that are housed within the mandir.
The timing of flood basalts has corresponded with large-scale continental break-up.
The timing of Bell Biv DeVoe's accolades corresponds directly with the release of their first album Poison.
"The timing corresponds to the final conclusion of the board of inquiry investigation into Voyager's disappearance in our universe," Spock said.
The timing corresponds with the last great landslide of nearby Mauna Loa.
The timing of the global acceleration corresponds to similar sea level trend changes associated with upper ocean heat and ice melt.
The timing of the events corresponded with the beginning of the scant supply.
For a while, we thought one of them was Cain; the timing corresponds to Cain's dormancy.
Lunar rhythms in biological systems are phenomena whose timing corresponds to a lunar month, the Moon's (roughly) 29.5 day orbit around Earth.
The timing corresponds roughly to the early Aptian anoxic event in the oceans.