They even make earnestly second-rate television movies on timely issues just like us.
Normally, I do not write about wines you cannot find or taste, but there is a large, timely issue present: longevity.
I purchased your very timely special issue to commemorate the birth of my first child earlier that week.
This is a video commentary by John speaking to current and timely cultural issues.
They also caution that some books on timely issues are rushed into print without careful thought for a child's needs and sensibilities.
Every year, the third edition includes a series of student notes that survey a particularly timely issue relating to business law.
But within the show's extraordinary range are some powerful objects, and their interactions pinpoint many timely issues.
The Forum, founded in 1992, presents four programs a year on timely issues.
Action Learning Projects where students work in teams with companies that are working on timely issues about sustainability.
Madam President, first I would like to thank everyone because this is a very timely issue.