Also commensurate organizational support would need to be created for timely implementation.
Customers, competitors and analysts give Oracle credit for the timely implementation of an increasingly essential technology - one that has become an industry standard.
Piecemeal measures often have only limited potential, so a timely implementation for the energy transition requires multiple approaches in parallel.
He said the administration would continue to work with the five other countries to "ensure timely and full implementation" of the agreement.
Let me reiterate our common commitment to an efficient and timely implementation of the new regulatory framework.
These actions plans will set out the agreed priorities of our relationships in key areas, as well as mechanisms to ensure their timely implementation.
That is all the more necessary because the new programme should be adopted in time to allow for a timely and smooth implementation.
The Member States' top priority for 2006 will therefore be the timely and comprehensive implementation of our objectives.
This will no doubt improve the possibility of a smooth and timely implementation.
We encourage further study of the impact of the measures where appropriate, but with a view to ensuring full, tough and timely international implementation.