The earlier that difficulties are noted and timely assessments occur, the quicker intervention can begin.
AFIA's 120 military and civilian personnel provide Air Force senior leaders with timely, independent assessments to improve the Air Force.
Dieter Senghaas, On perpetual peace: a timely assessment, Berghahn Books, 2007.
They say the problem is with the inability of child welfare agencies to make accurate and timely assessments of households.
When nurses are replaced by less educated "nurse substitutes," who are not capable of making timely assessments, the patients' wellbeing will surely be compromised.
This helps to determine an agency's overall infrastructure asset inventory, timely assessment of physical condition, and annual projection of financial requirements.
This is why a complete and timely assessment of the patient's psychosocial needs is critical.
Only three medical centers in the city have programs to provide timely, comprehensive medical assessment and psychological support for the children and their families.
It will encourage a timely assessment of the possibilities for their financing and facilitate the efficient implementation of projects approved by Parliament.
The compromise offers an opportunity for a timely, adequate assessment.