Very few residents were egotistical enough not to take her timely and helpful advice.
Excellent, timely advice, before someone persuades women that the sequined micro-mini is the way to go!
Peter Thompson reviews what's happening and offers some timely advice.
His belly was full, and he had plenty of energy, thanks to the skeleton's timely advice.
The karthas will give timely advice to the veerakumaras to make the way clear.
First, she had timely and inspired advice from Marcel Duchamp, among others.
So why was she still shouting her suddenly timely advice deep into the second half?
It was timely advice; in my haste to reach the top, I was like a dog running on a parquet floor.
Considerable simplification is needed, along with timely advice and guidance from the Commission.
To offer some timely advice, perhaps, in hopes of changing your own past?