The cars were like time-lapse photographs of automobiles, long, wavering vaguely metallic shapes thinning into insubstantiality at either end.
Like a sequence of time-lapse photographs, Justine's arms continued to rise until the shovel reached its apex.
From the open door he did a slow survey of the bloody scene, as if clicking off a sequence of time-lapse photographs.
As the stories unfold in counterpoint, seesawing back and forth in time, ideas pop up like flowers blossoming crazily in time-lapse photographs.
It has no physical existence except in diagrams and time-lapse photographs.
When you imagine Madonna, you don't see a single image but a time-lapse photograph, with one persona melting and warping into the next.
I was unprepared for the way it unfolded and grew, almost like a time-lapse photograph of a flower, in such an astonishingly beautiful way.
During the course of the investigation Gene Campbell took a series of infrared time-lapse photographs.
I picked up the National Geographic magazine and stared at a series of time-lapse photographs of a blowhole in Yosemite.
I could see the board begin its march through space, like a series of time-lapse photographs, light against dark, closing down the distance.